About Candidate
Hi, my name is Umar Zafar. I am a highly motivated graduate having a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science. My objective is to make the finest use of my skills and evolving talent towards the optimal accomplishment of the organization’s objectives and to become a strategic aide in its sustainable growth and enduring success. I am sure I will add value to your company. I am young and fresh minded and have a lot of ability to learn new things.
Subjects Studied: ICT | Ptograming Fundamentals | Basic Electronics | English Composition & Comprehension | Pakistan Studies | Calculus & Analytical Geometry | Object Oriented Programing | Discrete Structures | Technical & Business Writing | Islamic Studies | Linear Algebra | Data Structure & Algorithms | Computer Architecture & Organization | Communication Skills | Arabic |Statistics & Probability | Human Resource Management | Database System | Operating System | Microprocessor & Assembly Language | Computer Graphics | Multivariate Calculas | Web Design And Developement | Data Comm. & Computer Networks| Design & Analysis of Algorithms | Theory of Automata | Financial Accounting | Differential Equations | Human Resource Intraction | Software Engineering | Mobile Computing | Artificial Intelligence | Data Mining | Psychology | Fuzzy Logic | Compiler Construction | Numerical Computing | Digital Image Processing | System Programing | Information Security | Software Project Management | Professional Practices.